River of Words

The River of Words® 2025 Contest closed on January 31st, 2025
Thank you to everyone who submitted to the 2025 Contest. We will soon begin the process of judging your inspiring works. Stay tuned!
River of Words® Competition
Our free, annual, international youth poetry and art contest — the largest in the world — inspires students ages 5 to 19 to translate their observations into creative expression.

Promoting Environmental Literacy through the Arts and Cultural Exchange
River of Words® (ROW) is a program of The Center for Environmental Literacy and a part of the Kalmanovitz School of Education. Acknowledged pioneers in the field of place-based education, River of Words has been inspiring educators and their students for over twenty-five years with an innovative blend of science and the arts.
River of Words is its own watershed: a linked network of people throughout the United States and the world who are committed to teaching the art and poetry of place to young people. Since 1995, River of Words has encouraged young people to explore and savor the watersheds where they live and trained educators to guide them with inspiration and passion. Through professional development and other educational services, traveling exhibits, publications, and community programs, ROW reaches thousands of educators and young people around the world.

“Swimming through the Majestic Fortress” by Emily L.
Category II Second Runner Up
River of Words 2025 opens on October 15th, 2024, and closes on January 31st, 2025.
IMPORTANT: All artwork submissions must be mailed to:
Attn: River of Words
Filippi Academic Hall (FAH 200), 2nd Floor
1928 St. Mary's Rd., PMB #4350
Moraga, CA 94575-4350
Print out the form submission notification sent to the email you provided and attach the form to the piece of art before mailing to us. Artwork submitted without the emailed proof of entry form will not be accepted.
Statewide River of Words:
River of Words 2025 Rules and Guidelines
Please read the detailed instructions for the 2025 River of Words International Art and Poetry Contest.
1. All submissions are due by January 31, 2025 at 11:59pm PST after which the submission portal will close and no late submissions will be accepted for any reason.
2. If you are a resident in Georgia or Arizona, U.S.A, please submit your pieces through the Georgia or Arizona River of Words statewide contest. Your submission will automatically be entered into the International River of Words Contest. See the Georgia ROW Website or the Arizona ROW Website for more information on the Statewide contests.
3. The contest is open to Pre-K–12th grade students, ages 5–19. Students must be enrolled in school to be eligible. All entries must be submitted by a parent, guardian, educator, or facilitator unless the student is 18 years old or older.
4. Participants may submit up to 5 entries for poetry and 5 entries for art (total of up to 10 entries). If more than 5 entries are submitted, we will only accept the first 5 as is. If multiple files or pieces of artwork are being submitted, then this form must be filled out once per submission.
5. All poems must be original work. Poem documents/PDFs cannot include names, ages, or any other personal information.
6. Poems should not exceed 32 lines in length (written) or 3 minutes (signed). For ASL poetry, please include a brief written summary of the poem’s content.
7. Collaborative poems and artwork are accepted, but only one student (chosen as the group representative) will be eligible for any prizes awarded.
8. At this time, we are able to accept poems only in English and Spanish.
9. Art must be mailed to the River of Words physical address in order to be considered for the competition regardless of medium. Art will not be returned to the artist. If the art is a digital piece, please have it printed. Mailed-in art submissions need to include a printed Jotform confirmation when sent alongside the art piece(s). See address below.
Attn: River of Words
Filippi Academic Hall (FAH 200), 2nd Floor
1928 St. Mary's Rd., PMB #4350
Moraga, CA 94575-4350
10. All artwork must be original work. Acceptable media are paint, pencil, markers, ink, crayon, chalk or pastel (fixed), photography, cloth, collage, and computer art.
11. Revisions will not be accepted. Please make sure your work is completed before submitting to the portal.
12. By submitting any work of any kind to River of Words, you are granting, on behalf of yourself and the student, to River of Words all rights in the work, including but not limited to the right to publish, reproduce, perform, distribute and to include the work in the River of Words annual anthology, on River of Words websites, or in any other publications deemed appropriate by River of Words. Works submitted to River of Words cannot be submitted for other publications or competitions.
13. Teacher and group submissions will only be accepted through the Jotform portal. We no longer accept submissions via Google or Dropbox. There is a new parent/guardian permission form. Old parental permission forms will not be accepted. Parental permission forms only need to be submitted when teachers are submitting on behalf of their students.
(English) 2025 ROW Parent/Guardian Permission Form
(Español) 2025 ROW Parent/Guardian Permission Form
14. Questions and concerns can be emailed to rowinfo@snsxedu.net.
Art and Poetry Category Winners
Entries will be judged in the following categories:
Category I: K-Grade 2 (Primary) or ages 5-7
Category II: Grades 3-5 (Elementary) or ages 8-11
Category III: Grades 6-8 (Intermediary) or ages 11-14
Category IV: Grades 9-12 (Secondary) or ages 14-19
Grand Prize
One Grand Prize winner is selected in each of the four age/grade categories in Poetry, and one Grand Prize winner is selected in each of the four age/grade categories in Art.
Runner-Up Prize
One Runner-Up is selected in each of the four age/grade categories in Poetry, and one Runner-Up is selected in each of the four age/grade categories in Art.
Second Runner-Up Prize
One Second Runner-Up is selected in each of the four age/grade categories in Poetry, and one Second Runner-Up is selected in each of the four age/grade categories in Art.
Art and Poetry Category Finalists
Approximately 50 finalists in art and 50 finalists in poetry for each age/grade category are selected to be published alongside the Winners. This amount can vary each year depending on the number and quality of submissions.
Specialty Prizes
Specialty prizes are not judged based on age/grade category but on the specific criteria for each prize.
Note: The number of entries awarded Specialty Prizes are up to the discretion of the judges, but are typically awarded to one entry per year.
International Prize
Awarded to international entries, either art or poetry, in any age category.
Shasta Bioregion Prize
Awarded to one entry, either art or poetry, honoring a Northern California watershed.
One Square Block Prize
Awarded to art or poetry that examines city-scapes and the interaction between the manmade and the natural world.
Monkey's Raincoat Prize
Awarded to short poems in the tradition of the Japanese haiku. This award celebrates River of Words' founder Robert Haas, who has enjoyed a lifelong study and fascination of the form.
"On Writing" Prize
This category of poems features narratives that reflect on the writing process and the speaker's connection to writing.
River of Words/Kalmanovitz School of Education Teacher of the Year
Awarded to one outstanding educator who utilizes River of Words practices in the classroom and actively empowers their students to engage with their watershed. For information about the Teacher of the Year nomination process, click here.
Follow River of Words on social media for regular updates!
Instagram: riverofwordssmc
TikTok: riverofwordssmc
Facebook: River of Words
Have questions? Email us at rowinfo@snsxedu.net!
Our Store

Purchase an Anthology or Card Set from our online store. All proceeds go to support environmental education.
Click Here!
Support Us

Help students and their teachers develop an informed and heartfelt connection to the earth with a gift to the Center for Environmental Literacy. River of Words could not run without your generous donations. Thank you!
Donate Today!

Diana Ajjan taught 7th grade ELA at John F. Kennedy Middle School in Northampton, Massachusettes, for 16 years before becoming a Reading Specialist, the role she currently holds. In her tenure at JFK, she has served as Department Chair, Theater Workshop co-director, and has collaborated on numerous projects with community members, including River of Words, A Celebration of Ancient Greece, and school-wide reading events. Prior to entering the field of education, Diana was a young adult book editor in New York City and freelance writer. She loves living in the town in which she teaches because she gets to be in the community with students both past and present. Find out more about Diana's amazing work in education below.
River of Words®
Attn: River of Words
Filippi Academic Hall (FAH 200), 2nd Flr.
1928 St. Mary's Rd., PMB #4350
Moraga, CA 94575-4350, U.S.A.